
PVC fibreglass side stream valorisation and development of circular products.


This project had its origins in a collective quest to start valorising PVC/glass fibre side streams at several companies, Copaco and Deceuninck, with very different production processes. This combined with a third company, Moax, which saw in these side streams an opportunity for its development within the construction sector. The initial contact was made via VKC/Centexbel, after which Catalisti supervised the further elaboration of the project.

The PVCircular project will establish a cross-sector symbiotic relationship in Flanders between companies with very different end-applications, interacting between their material streams. This project will identify where by-products from one company can be used at the other or at itself through thorough analysis, new developments in processing, modification and applicability of PVC/glass fibre by-products. This will provide an economic as well as an ecological benefit to all participating companies, who will therefore also make great strides together towards achieving a circular business model.

Project details

Project type
Innovation Programme
Circularity and Resource Efficiency
Project status
Approved on
Project date
€1 597 524
€638 857